Key Customer Strategies
Are you experiencing significant chargebacks and deductions from key customer(s) and not sure how to resolve them?
Are relationships with key customers becoming strained as a result of recurring chargebacks and deductions?
Customers are more likely to reverse deductions or agree to a partial reduction when companies are able to clearly demonstrate that the deductions were taken in error or show that the issues causing or contributing to the chargebacks and deductions have been resolved. Key Customer Strategies is designed to guide a company though this process for a single key customer. Assistance is provided in helping a company perform the following activities:
- Identify the supporting documentation necessary to clearly demonstrate that the deductions were taken in error or identify the key factors causing or contributing to the recurring chargebacks
- Develop an action plan and task list of steps required to gather the supporting documentation or resolve the issue(s)
- Collaborate with the customer on the process to gather buy-in and support
- Facilitate the completion of tasks by various departments within the company
- Outline and execute the recovery strategy