Settlement Negotiation and Preparation
Not sure of the best way to approach and prepare for an upcoming key customer settlement meeting?
Think you could benefit from a negotiation coach?
Customer settlements are an inevitable part of the deduction management landscape. When preparing for and conducting settlement discussions, the presentation of your information—both verbally and in writing—may be more critical to the final settlement outcome than the information itself.
In Settlement Preparation, we work with a company to make sure that the information they will be using throughout the settlement process is accurate, prepared in a format that complies with customer requirements and is easy to understand and navigate. The package includes both summary and detailed schedules and is designed to guide the customer through the information in a positive and efficient manner. Whether we take a more active role in preparing the settlement packages or just provide guidance, review and oversight services, the information you present to your customer will provide a compelling story.
Negotiation Assistance can be provided on a variety of levels, ranging from role-playing and “behind-the-scenes” coaching to a more active role of communicating (on the phone or in person) directly with your customers either with you or on your behalf, regarding specific issues or settlement opportunities.